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Can Oath Ceremony with Name Change be held at USCIS Field Office
Hello Everyone,

I finally received the Oath Ceremony appearance notice for the first week of May. The Oath Ceremony location is the USCIS field office where I went for the interview; it's in Holtsville if you are familiar with the Long Island area. I thought name change could only be performed in a judge's presence, and I was expecting the location to be a court. Does this mean that the judge will be present in the USCIS office for this occasion? Has anyone had that experience of having a judge present at a USCIS office for the ceremony?

I am wondering what I can do to confirm that a judge will be present. The interviewing officer knows that I needed a name change, and I signed the form for the court; he mentioned it to me during the interview. Any thoughts on how I can get a confirmation, or should I not be worried that much. I tried calling the USCIS number, but I couldn't get past the automated robotic voice. I appreciate your help.

Thank you!
All Replies (14)


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