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Student Visa (F1, F2, M1, M2)

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F1 Visa interview Islamabad
Today I will share with you my F1 Visa experience and I hope it will be helpful who wish to nail this experience, When I gave this interview which is like few days ago I saw many cases getting rejected, even the girl right in front of me got rejected her visa and it was quite nerve cracking but here goes my experience:

Visa: Approved
Time: 9:00 am
Location: Islamabad

Me: Good Morning
VO: Good Morning, Pass me your Passport and I20
Me: (smiled) passed her my I20 and Passport which was tied together and my DS160
VO: (starts typing) what are you studying
Me: Told
VO: Have you ever been United States
Me: Yes, twice, once as a J1 on government sponsored program and second time as an F1 to complete my High School in America.
VO: Sobyou went as a J? Which program
Me: Told
VO: and you completed your High school in America?
Me: Yes, told her the name of school
VO: who is sponsoring your education
Me: I have been offered full ride, my dorm and food is also paid for and no expense to my family
VO: Great! They are also paying for your dorm and food
Me: Yes, I have the notarized letter if you wish to see
VO: No need!
Me: (just smiling)
VO: okay everything looks good, I am approving your visa. It should be ready for pickup by next week and let me explain you somethings, US government is getting very strict about students working and not going to school.
Me: thank you very much, have a good day
VO: you too have a good day, good luck.
Me: thank you very much.

I was super happy, Went out to my parents who were super excited to hear about approval.
Almost all the applicants I saw were getting rejected but make sure you remain confident. Confidence is the key and make sure you have all the papers ready and are prepared. My interview lasted for about 6-7 minutes only.
I hope it helps somebody and if you have any questions, Feel free to ask fellows!!
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