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H1B, H4 Visa

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Visa Type - H1B
PA date - 02-Apr-2012
Location - Chennai

Gave the BEP documents to VO and smiled.
Me: Hi, Good Morning.
VO: Hello, Very good morning.
Me: How are you.
VO. Good, Thanks.

Question: So, How long you have been with the employer
Answer: 2 years and 4 months

Question: What is your overall experience
Answer: 5 years and 8 months

Question: Who is your client
Answer: ZZZ

Question: Where you studied
Answer: I completed my BE in AAAAA college which comes under Anna University.

Question: What is your highest qualification
Answer: BE in Computer science and Engg.

Question : What is your salary ?
Answer : $$$$$ USD per annum

Question: What are you going to do ?
Answer: Explained my role and responsibilities in 10 lines.

Question: Will your supervisor be in the same location
Answer: Yes. My Supervisor name is YYYY and he is also in Newyork

Question: Are you going to Newyork
Answer: Yes.

VO Comments: Your Visa is approved.(Gave the white phamplet booklet). Please read this phamplet, it will show your rights in US.

Me : Thank you so much. Have a good day.
VO : Thanks. For you too.
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