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Visitor Visa - B2

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My B1/B2 Visa experience
So before I start revealing my experience , I would highly recommend these 2 Key rules for this entire process - Be honest & Be confident.

Basically the whole process happens in 3 phases.

1. Submitting a DS 160 & Visa scheduling
2. Bio metrics
3. Visa interview

My experience is with reference to B1 B2 Tourist visa in Chennai consulate

I filed my DS 160 myself it’s very important that you provide details with utmost honesty . Because this is very important and this details will be with Visa officer during your third phase. Once the form is filed you can submit your DS160.

Scheduled my interview ( you get two dates , one for biometrics and one for visa interview ) . I had 10 days between this two interviews


On the day of biometrics , carry your DS 160 confirmation page , Appointment letter & of course your passport ( current & old ). They dint ask for old but it’s better you take them. This process is quite straightforward.

Phone was allowed ( switched off )
NO smart watches
NO airpods

My appointment was @ 2.30pm.I was allowed by 1.20pm itself and I was out by 2.15 pm

1. Security over the gate will check if you really have appointment to your name
2. If you have appeared with the right appointment ,you will asked get inside the premises and there will be a queue ( was my longest around 20 mins ).
3. You will directed to the actual VFS office which will be on the first floor.
4. There will be a security check ( just like airport ) .Once its cleared you will be sent to a counter where your documents ( DS-160, Appointment & Passport will be checked
    and marked with pencil ). Importantly, your passport will be sticked with a barcode on your passport.
5. You will be directed to the biometric hall ( many biometric windows will be there , you will be asked for the passport and your name and age will be reconfirmed). They will
    ask you place left & right 4 fingers --then both your thumb.


Had 10 days gap between my biometrics and interview phase.

My interview was @ 11.30pm . I was there by 10.20am. I was out by 10.40 am

NO phones allowed.
NO bags allowed
Only your passport & all supporting documents

1. So on the day of my interview, i was formally dressed and had a folder with all my supporting documents. I had them properly organized for avoiding hassle. I reached 1 hour prior to my slot and was immediately allowed inside the premises.
2. An officer checked my passport and marked my presence in his official gadget
3. Another office with his access ID waited swiped his card and allowed me inside a hall.
4, There was a security check in this hall ( like airport ) and once its over was directed outside this hall to connect the actual consulate ( this is where visa interview happens )
5. I was asked for my language preference ( English ) and was allowed in a queue . In 2 mins time i was allocated with a window with officer. I was placed 3rd in the queue.
6. Both parties left happily after their interview and it was audible.
7, I was called by the officer and I greeted him. He greeted me back and asked for my passport alone.
                        Can I have your passport? -- Sure officer (gave my current passport)
                         Is it business/tourism? -- I explained in two sentence ( I was travelling with my wife )
                         Does your wife holds a visa visa? Yes officer
                         Has she travelled to US before ? Yes officer, she had travelled twice before.
                         Does she work? Yes officer, She is employed ( works in so & so and does so & so )
                         How long are u guys married ? we are married since ..
                         Do you have kids ? No officer
                         Have you travelled outside India ? Yes officer ..mentioned the countries i have travelled to
                         Do you know anyone in the USA? Yes officer ...mentioned my relatives
                        Where do they live in the USA?.. They live in the Jersey and mentioned exact address
                        How long you intent to stay there? 3 weeks officer
OK , Place your fingers and as i was doing that i was told my visa is approved.

My passport was kept and i got my visa in 2 working days.


1. Dress formally
2. Have necessary documents in place
3. Take someone with you to interview place if possible ( for holding your belongings )
4. Be honest
5.Be confident

                                                                                                                               GOOD LUCK
All Replies (2)


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