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H1B, H4 Visa

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My Interview on October 16th
Had my interview on the 16th of October. The process from when you go inside, pass through security checks and a few more (actually 2 more verifications) before verification of finger prints again (after completing biometrics the previous day at OFC Center) was a bit irritating but I guess it was all good. Waited for our token number to be called for an hour before getting the call. We (wife and me) headed to the interview counter and the officer just started his day so was still booting his system. Gave us some time to observe around and I initiated a conversation with the officer. He was a young guy so we talked about NFL and the game between Seahawks and GB and that touchdown.

Then he said he was ready and asked for passports and DS 160.

Q1: What is your ole on your current porject?
I explained in 2 quick sentences.

Q2: how long have you been with company ZZZ
4 years this past July

Q3: you have lived in US before correct?
I said Yes.

Q4: Where and what was your Master's in?
gave the info.

Q5: when did you guys get married?
I said Jan 7th and looked at my wife to let her answer the year. She did and he joked, " I have no problem you forgetting the year as long as she does not". We all laughed.

Q6:Do you like Chicago weather?
I said it is an awesome place with diverse weather.

Then we talked a bit more about where Andrew Chapman was from (VO's name) and stuff, about Giardiano's Pizza etc.

I noticed as we were having this conversation, that he has already written A on both of our applications. Then he said, Sree you applications have been approved and you should receive your passports within a week. I said thankyou, have a good day.

Very pleasant smile and talk is all me and my wife were talking about when we headed back home.
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