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Seperation while i751 pending
Hi, hopefully, someone can help me with this. My wife and I have been married for a period of 5years. I filed for removal of conditions on May 6th 2019 and now my wife says she no longer wants to be with me. I'm really worried as to how this may impact my i751 application. In our state of Louisiana it would take 6months before we can even be divorced since we'd have to be living separately for that period of time. If my wife moves out, what do I do at that point? Do I contact USCIS and say she's moved out? There seems to be a lot of advice on the internet regarding what to do BEFORE you file the i751 if you're separated but I can't find anything on what to do if it's already been jointly filed and then the marriage falls apart. I have a ton of evidence as to the bonafides of our marriage.

I filed at the Texas Service Center.
All Replies (9)


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