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Study Permit still pending after week 5 from USA
Hello. I applied for my study permit and my husband's work permit on Nov 1 2019. I applied as the primary applicant on behalf of myself, my child, and my husband. My child and I are citizens of US. My husband is a citizen of Nigeria. We are now on week 5 of application pending. My husband completed his biometrics on Nov 6 2019. My husband's app status reads that they are still processing background check and reviewing eligibility. My app and my son's app states that they are reviewing eligibility.

Does anyone know if the processing times will be delayed because my husband is a citizen of Nigeria. Even though I am the primary applicant and a US citizen, will the time be delayed because we are citizens of different countries?

Also, does anyone know if our apps can be approved separately? Can my study permit be approved before my husband's work permit? Or must they all happen at once since technically I submitted the application on behalf of all 3 of us?

Any help is much appreciated as my anxiety continues to grow with each passing day.
All Replies (3)


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