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H1B, H4 Visa

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Need ur help for 221 g clarification
Hi All,

Congratulations to all the guys who got the visa successfully.
I need some information related to 221 g blue form.
I had the visa interview and VO issued the 221 g blue form asked to submit the employer documents without PASSPORT .
In that 221 g blue form , the Application processing information option was not checked by the VO.
I have been working in the same company since past 2 years who sponcered H1 for me.
I have all the genuine docs in hand and going to submit them.
The interview went well till last minute and finally he asked me the project description document and it was not there with me at that time and he issued 221 g blue form.

Plz kindly clarify the following queries:
1) Will my petition return to USCIS for further review or reviewed by the Chennai consulate only?(Because Application Processing information is not checked in my 221 g blue form)
2) How much time it will take?
3) Are there any chances to get the VISA?
All Replies (2)


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