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PIO Card

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PIO to OCI conversion is pending, We need to travel to India on Nov 4th - Travel requirements?
Just wanted to check if anyone has experienced similar kind of situation.

My daughter is a US citizen and has a USA passport. She has a PIO card and has date of expiry of Jun 06th 2027.
Her earlier passport expired and she got a new US passport. In the PIO card, the earlier US passport number is mentioned.

We are planning to visit India next month on November 4th. Our Port of Entry will be Kolkata.

I applied for PIO to OCI conversion back in June 2016. It’s been almost 4 months and I have not received the OCI card yet.

My question and concern is that if in case OCI Card doesn't arrive before our travel which is on Nov 4th, 2016, what are her options to travel to India?

1. Can she travel with Existing PIO with her new passport unendorsed along with Old Passport. I will also carry the Payment Receipt of OCI Card Application.
2. Or She has to apply for Indian Visa?
3. Or Is there any option for “Entry Visa upon Arrival” for US citizen? Her stay is in India will be only for 3 weeks.

I have seen many posts on the internet saying that it is OK to travel, if new passport number is not endorsed on PIO Card, if that person carries New and Old passports both, along with current PIO card and proof of OCI card application (Payment Receipt).
Is there a link to a Indian Government website stating the same? Is this rule still true in her case?
I want to back this fact with some written or recorded manner in case needed.

Please let me know, if anyone has any experience.
All Replies (6)


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