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H1B, H4 Visa

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H1b Stamping with prior arrest/Misdemeanor

I and my wife have travel plans to India this October and i'm on H1b visa employed full-time by my employer. My wife is on H4-EAD working contract IT job. Since my visa is expired, I'm required to attend visa interview at US consulate to get my new H1b visa to re-enter into united states and i believe my wife has to attend the visa interview too.

Back in October 2017 i had an intense argument with my wife and she had to call cops and then i got arrested. But then she stood by my side, bailed me out of arrest, and we fought the case together. She also submitted a notarized letter at time to judge, saying it all happened by accident and she never intended for me to get arrested. But due to strict California laws I got arrested in October 2017 and I plead guilty for 'Misdemeanor PC 415(1)' in March 2019. I also attended anger management counselling as the judge has order.

Now, will I face any problems during my visa Interview for H1b at US consulate or, by Immigration during re-entry to US at port of entry given my arrest and guilty charges? Is it even safe to plan for travel out of country? Please let me know.

Thanks in Advance.
All Replies (3)


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