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Visa Stamping from Canada/ Mexico

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F1 Renewal while on Stem OPT in Canada Vancouver
Went to appointment today December 17, 2019 in Canada, Vancouver. Interview went smooth, and immigration officer told me to expect my passport in 3-5 business days.

Went to check my status few hours later and saw status was "Administrative Processing" with the following description: "Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing. This processing can take several weeks, or longer. As explained on the day of your interview, if further information is needed, you will be contacted." Note the "several weeks or longer" :O

Does anybody know if "Administrative Processing" is a common status that people would see right after the interview? Should I prepare myself to wait longer than 3-5 business days? Should it have said "Issued/Approved" instead?
All Replies (13)


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