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Adjustment of Status - I-485

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Immigration Visited Us at home today
So as early as 8am this morning, Immigration came knocking at our door. I opened it and there they were, two officers. A man and woman. We let them in, they asked us some questions. Sort of almost the same interview questions. Apparently they suspect some discrepancies. Well we answered to the best of our knowledge. They looked through my phone, took pictures of our room and bathroom, wardrobe area and shoe rack, basically they photographed almost every angle in the house. At some point, my wife broke down in tears. Obviously cuz this is a lot to deal with emotionally. In the end they left, took our individual numbers and said they will call if they need anything. Smh! Now another stage of anxiety has hit my wife and I, we are just wondering when this whole thing will be over! Wonder what will happen now that they have visited us!

All Replies (17)


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