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Visitor Visa - B2

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Visa Granted without any issues
I have been following this forum for a few days now since my in-laws were going for a B2 visitor visa interview in Chennai. The interview was today, 20th October and first I would like to thank all participants of this forum for giving valuable inputs which helped me prepare my in-laws for the interview. Thanks to immihelp for the platform.
The interview went very smooth and they were granted visa. We were delighted when we got the call from them after the interview.
The interview was in Chennai and we had opted it to be in Malayalam. Here is how it went:
VO: Good Morning
A: Good morning
VO: Why are you going to US?
A: To meet my daughter and her family
VO: Is your daughter married?
A: Yes, she is married and they have a 5yr old son
VO: Where do they live in US?
A: California
VO: Where in California?
A: San Jose
VO: Oh! I'm from San Jose too. Its a nice place.
A: Good (And apparently this was a golden moment. it might have helped)
VO: How long are you going for?
A: 4 to 5 months
VO: So you will return after 4 to 5 months?
A: Yes. We have some property and farmland, etc. that will need to be attended to. The most we can stay away is 4 to 5 months.
VO: Do you have other kids?
A: Yes, we also have a son younger to our daughter. He works in Dubai.
VO: Is he married?
A: No
VO: Your visa is granted. you will get your passports in a week
A: Thank you Sir.

No documents were asked whatsoever.

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