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U.S Citizen Daughter/ Petitioning for Mother living illegally in US for 30+ yrs

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  • U.S Citizen Daughter/ Petitioning for Mother living illegally in US for 30+ yrs

    Hello Everyone!

    I just became a U.S Citizen a couple years ago. My parents came to this country in 1989 illegally from Mexico. My mother specifically entered the country illegally one time and has never went back to Mexico. Last year we endeavored into the process of petition for her on my behalf as her daughter. Our I-130 was approved by immigration this past month (4/2023), our lawyer advised that my mother shouldn’t travel to Cd. Juarez, Mexico for her Forgiveness appointment (Cita de Perdon). Advising that it’s likely immigration will penalize her for 10yrs and she won’t be able to come back home to California were we reside.

    If their is anyone with a similar case than can share their experience or knowledge we would really appreciate it.

    My mother is 61. She has no criminal history. Great standing with IRS. Has never applied or had a visa. Entered the U.S illegally in 1989 with a coyote and has never been back to her birthland since.

  • #2
    Was she ever the beneficiary of an immigrant petition filed before 2001? Does she have TPS? Are you a member of the US military? What do you mean by "forgiveness appointment"? What is the status of her spouse?

    This is my personal opinion and is not to be construed as legal advice.





