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Health insurance for immediate pregnancy coverage

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  • rryahalomstous
    I have the same question

    Originally posted by submittedviaemail View Post
    Hello, My husband and I are moving back to virginia after having lived and worked in England for the last 3 years. We would like to start a family sooner rather than later, but I am finding that most plans have a 6 month waiting period before paying for pregancy as it is could be a pre-existing condition. Do you have any insurance plans for the state of Virginia for my husband and I (healthy aged 33 and 37-husband) so that we might enjoy getting pregnant this summer rather than this fall? My husband is still fully employed by a british company, but once we leave the UK we are no longer part of their nationalized health care. Best way to reach me is e-mail as we have yet to reactive the US phone Thanks,
    Just moving from Canada to Calfornia.. you can contact me on the forum.

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  • insubuy
    Look at Assurant Health Individual Health Insurance at http://www.domesticinsuranceusa.comh...cal-insurance/

    There are plans like Max Plan, CoreMed Plan etc. They have 90 days waiting period for conception after the effective date of the policy. That is the lowest anywhere that I am aware of.

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  • submittedviaemail

    As a broker do you know of any insurances that offer less than a 6 mth waiting period before becoming pregnant.


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  • insubuy
    We, as a broker, offer health insurance from many different insurance companies. You can look at different products available in Virginia at http://www.domesticinsuranceusa.com/...lth-insurance/

    Unfortunately, no insurance plan exists that would cover immediate pregnancy.

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  • Health insurance for immediate pregnancy coverage

    Hello, My husband and I are moving back to virginia after having lived and worked in England for the last 3 years. We would like to start a family sooner rather than later, but I am finding that most plans have a 6 month waiting period before paying for pregancy as it is could be a pre-existing condition. Do you have any insurance plans for the state of Virginia for my husband and I (healthy aged 33 and 37-husband) so that we might enjoy getting pregnant this summer rather than this fall? My husband is still fully employed by a british company, but once we leave the UK we are no longer part of their nationalized health care. Best way to reach me is e-mail as we have yet to reactive the US phone Thanks,




