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Green card holder through employment, recently married a US citizen, does it matter?

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  • Green card holder through employment, recently married a US citizen, does it matter?


    I am a green card holder through employment, but recently married a US citizen. I can get citizenship about 8 months faster if I do it through marriage. But can I do that if my green card is employment based? Do I need to change my green card to be marriage based, or does that not matter?

    Thank you for your advise!

  • #2
    It doesn't matter how you got your green card or what category it is. As long as you have been a permanent resident for 3 years, have been married to a US citizen for 3 years (and that US citizen has been a US citizen for 3 years), you are eligible for naturalization under the 3-year rule.

    This is my personal opinion and is not to be construed as legal advice.





