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new to site- affidavit of support qs

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  • new to site- affidavit of support qs

    So my fiance and I have known each other seven years.I'm from the us and he's from England. We want to try to get papers submitted next year. Since I've been out of college for almost two years I've only been working retail part time so I knew I wouldn't make the requirements for money for two people. I just got promoted the other week to full time with a raise. The salary would make what I need. Im worried with only a few weeks till the new year I won't make it to the minimum. My question is because ill be making more do I have to wait a whole other year to show it on my taxes? Or when I have made enough next year and my paystubs show it will that be sufficient. Its so stressful and its hard that its been so long for us. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank u so much!

  • #2
    If you are going to use the fiancee visa process, and you have proof of enough income to meet the sponsorship requirements (if your income annualizes over a 12-month period), you shouldn't have any trouble.

    Your 2014 income tax return is not the absolute gauge for your income level, if it covers only a partial year. But your employment verification and paystubs for several months will help you meet the requirement.

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by AshLovesAlex07 View Post
    So my fiance and I have known each other seven years.I'm from the us and he's from England. We want to try to get papers submitted next year. Since I've been out of college for almost two years I've only been working retail part time so I knew I wouldn't make the requirements for money for two people. I just got promoted the other week to full time with a raise. The salary would make what I need. Im worried with only a few weeks till the new year I won't make it to the minimum. My question is because ill be making more do I have to wait a whole other year to show it on my taxes? Or when I have made enough next year and my paystubs show it will that be sufficient. Its so stressful and its hard that its been so long for us. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank u so much!


    • #3
      So just to clarify next year when I am close to the amount by checking my paystubs I can start filing?


      • #4
        Or are u saying it can be just 12 months that make it even if its from this year plus next year


        • #5
          You can file right now. The proof of sponsorship for a fiancee visa won't be required until the actual visa interview.

          --Ray B

          Originally posted by AshLovesAlex07 View Post
          So just to clarify next year when I am close to the amount by checking my paystubs I can start filing?


          • #6
            When I looked at the site a few weeks ago it said the time it takes is around five months so if I do that math and it looks like I should be good I can just file now xause ill have the time to make it. Thank you! I realize it may take much longer than what it says.


            • #7
              Its such a stressful situation and we've looked at everything before but now are looking at it more in depth to start the process.I just want everything to go smoothly. Do you think its good to just follow the official sites and submit myself or better to have a lawyer check everything over first?


              • #8
                Have an experienced third party person review your paperwork before submitting. The only advantage of having an attorney check your documents is that his Bar Card (attorney registration) will make you feel more confident.

                --Ray B

                Originally posted by AshLovesAlex07 View Post
                Its such a stressful situation and we've looked at everything before but now are looking at it more in depth to start the process.I just want everything to go smoothly. Do you think its good to just follow the official sites and submit myself or better to have a lawyer check everything over first?


                • #9
                  Thank you for all of your help! I appreciate it more than you know! I feel much less stressed after getting this information!


                  • #10
                    I do that math and it looks like I should.


                    • #11
                      Plain and simple. If you meet the requirement by showing your annual income tax return (2013), an employment letter, and pay stubs, your good to go, if you don't meet the requirement have a close relative be the joint sponsor. Most consulates accept a joint sponsor and in my case thank god they do....





