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Would early visa denial under security related grounds affect H1B Application?

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  • Would early visa denial under security related grounds affect H1B Application?

    I have a friend whose visa application was refused under section 212(a)(3)A, security related grounds. would this denial affect H1B visa application or F2 visa application? if do affect, does this mean he will be permanently ineligible to entry to USA?

    Thanks for any information.

  • #2
    If it is security related issue, it is going to affect all kind of visas including Green card to USA.

    Originally posted by wmydncg
    I have a friend whose visa application was refused under section 212(a)(3)A, security related grounds. would this denial affect H1B visa application or F2 visa application? if do affect, does this mean he will be permanently ineligible to entry to USA?

    Thanks for any information.


    • #3
      security-a priority

      Hi friend,

      I don't think even you would recommend a person to come to your country, if that person is a liability, especially with the security of its citizens.

      Sorry for your friend. But may be he could work hard in all honesty to remove all prejudices towards him.

      But if the intention of going to the US is to make other's life miserable, even I would NOT encourage that person to go to any country, what so ever.

      thanks for being honest with your friend's case.


      • #4
        thank you for all of your response. while the truth is my friend never intend to do anything bad! we think the major reason is because of his current major seems high tech knowledge required and may have potential use in military, while actually knowledge in any field can be used in military.......we hope later changes could make vo review this situation.





