Please help me in filling the online passport renewal registration form.
I dont want to make a mistake jus' because I interpreted them my way.
1. Present Immigration Status: my passport is having ECR imprint on the back page, that means I need to check ECR box. Right? Below it mentioned as 'documentary Evidence' and that concerned me.
2. Profession and Business address: are these my employer details?
3. Address of relative/friends: are these of India or USA?
4. How long has applicant continuously resided abroad? - does this continuity means what?
Please help me in filling the online passport renewal registration form.
I dont want to make a mistake jus' because I interpreted them my way.
1. Present Immigration Status: my passport is having ECR imprint on the back page, that means I need to check ECR box. Right? Below it mentioned as 'documentary Evidence' and that concerned me.
2. Profession and Business address: are these my employer details?
3. Address of relative/friends: are these of India or USA?
4. How long has applicant continuously resided abroad? - does this continuity means what?