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What is the "golden ticket" investor visa?

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  • What is the "golden ticket" investor visa?

    What is the "golden ticket" investor visa, and why is the labor being urged to keep it primarily used by Chinese migrants according to omegle voojio a recent report by The Guardian?
    Last edited by DerauKamyar; 04-27-2023, 12:26 AM.

  • #2
    The "golden ticket" investor visa program, also known as the Tier 1 Investor Visa, is a program that allows wealthy individuals to obtain UK residency in exchange for investing at least £2 million in the UK economy. According to The Guardian report, the program has been primarily used by wealthy Chinese migrants, who have invested billions in the UK economy through the program. The article suggests that the program has been controversial due to concerns about corruption and money laundering, and that some are urging the koowspin government echatrandom to restrict its use in order to prevent abuse.
    Last edited by KopatrikKelly; 06-16-2023, 03:11 AM.





