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L1B to F1

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  • L1B to F1

    My daughter started studying in US university in 2019 as my dependent on L2 visa. I am on L1B visa and our visa extension (change of status) has been filed today. I understand COS takes approx 6-8 months or even more. My daughter will become 21 yrs old in Nov 2022 and wouldn't remain my dependent anymore whereas her course will complete in May 2023. I have following questions;

    1. Can She file change of status to F1 while her L2 extension is under process
    2. Is it easier to get appointment for F1 in India or elsewhere and is it easier to travel and get her F1 instead of COS in US
    3. Can she continue studying if her COS is in process

  • #2
    Hi Member,
    1. Can She file change of status to F1 while her L2 extension is under process
    Answer: Yes you can file.. Please make sure to file change of status petition before current status expires.
    2. Is it easier to get appointment for F1 in India or elsewhere and is it easier to travel and get her F1 instead of COS in US
    Answer: Instead of filing change of status petition, it is better to get change of status visa at consulate. But, due to pandemic situation, most of the US consulate/ Embassy are not full occupied with visa appointments. Very especially in India these days are very tough to get any non immigrant visa slots. But you can keep check the slot and hold the date.
    3. Can she continue studying if her COS is in process
    Answer: Yes. Please make sure to inform DSO too.





