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Reapplying B-2 for Mom and In-laws

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  • Reapplying B-2 for Mom and In-laws

    My mom's B-2 was rejected more than 8 months back. I am planning to reapply again. Last when I had applied, I was in India itself and thought I could take my mom along with me to US and then she could travel back on her own. But, I didn't had sufficient documentation and not fully aware of the processes, so it was my fault and the visa got rejected.

    I have been here in US for more 8 months now and planning to get my mom and in-laws (mother in law, father in law and sister in law) to US for 2-3 months so that I could show them around. I have sufficient funds to show in my bank account. Can the interview for all four of them be combined as everyone is going for the same visa and would be traveling together at the same time?

    Specific to my mom: My mom doesn't have any property or bank balances to show back in India, many times I have heard that you need to show sufficient proof or reason to go back to India. Will this situation go against my mom's visa?
    Also just to avoid sponsoring 4 visas at the same time, is it advisable for me to get my mom's visa sponsored through my brother-in-law (H1/more than 4 years in US)?
    Would the visa officer have an issue with my mom's previous visa application being sponsored by me and now from my bro-in-law?

    Any suggestions would be very helpful. It has been my dream for me to take my mom on a tour to US, so want to make sure I don't mess up with her visa one more time.

  • #2
    Could anyone please help with some suggestions? Thank you.


    • #3
      Dont apply together. Apply for your mom first and then apply for the inlaws.

      She has to show strong ties to prove that she will come back to India. Property, dependent unmarried kids, income etc will help here. Is she alone in india ? does she has any of these factors to show that she will come back? then chances of getting visa is good. Else just try you never know. Since you are in US and has enough fund to sponsor better you sponsor than your brother in law. More than sponsorship strong India ties is what visa officer will look here.


      • #4

        Thank you for your response. With regards to family ties, mom has good family ties back in India. In fact, she doesn't even want to come to US, but just to visit and my sister, and then some sight seeing, she wouldn't like it here definitely, and she will go back herself. Its just one 2-3 month trip that I am looking at right now, no more than that.

        As for her property, she stays at my home I purchased in my name. Other than that, she doesn't have any credible amount of deposits or something to bank on. That is what worries me. This point is my only concern. I can get some funds deposited in her savings account, but how much would really be enough is the question.

        But my grandfather is not keeping well, she was with him for the past 6 months to take care of him, now he is better, so she can take a break and travel. But eventually she has to go back to take care of him.

        And I would only be sponsoring my mom, my in-laws would sponsor their own trip. So I don't have to worry for them, so I just wanted to combine their interviews, so its easier for mom to go with them for her interview.

        Appreciate your help. Thank you again. :-)





