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i want to extend!!

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  • i want to extend!!

    I'm a UK citizen, aged 24 and am in the US on a B1/B2 visa which is valid until October this year. i already know i want to extend. i have no dependants in England. what is the main criteria to make an application for the extension successful?? hope someone can help me. thanku

  • #2
    Having a real reason. A spontaneous reason. Not a preconceived intent to stay longer than you are welcome.

    What is the purpose of your trip? says you have no dependents make you sound like a potential immigrant.
    Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.


    • #3
      yeah, i hear that. my boyfriend is american and the purpose of my trip is to be with him and see how things go. i have been told that i shouldnt mention this to the visa people though. but i dont want to lie and be dishonest. so i really dont know what to do for the best...





