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Rank | job title | Number of Petitions | Average Salary |
1 | Computer Software Engineers, Applications | 2,501 | $77,804.15 |
2 | Computer Systems Analyst | 1,805 | $68,488.62 |
3 | Unclassified | 1,072 | $45,267.26 |
4 | Software Engineer | 973 | $79,235.59 |
5 | Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software | 839 | $84,612.09 |
6 | Computer Systems Analysts | 817 | $74,027.71 |
7 | Computer Software Engineer | 764 | $79,594.15 |
8 | Computer And Information Systems Managers | 756 | $95,920.72 |
9 | Market Research Analyst | 624 | $143,173.20 |
10 | Computer Software Engineer, Applications | 602 | $82,023.79 |
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