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U.S. Visa Stamping (Consulate) Tracker

My Tracker Posts

H1-H4 Visa Stamping Tracker

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Posted by: mumbai_221g
Appointment Schedule Method:
Appointment Scheduled Date:
VAC Appointment Date:
VAC Appointment Location:
Interview Date:
India : Mumbai
Visa Center:
India : Mumbai
Passport Received Date:
Visa Entry Type:
Travel to USA Date:
Port of Entry:
Interview Questions: Duration: 1 min 1. Where do you work? Ans: Working for XYZ(very reputed company) 2. Annual salary? Ans: XXX 3. Which Univ Graduate from US? Ans:I am a Masters Student graduated from USC 4. Any issues with OPT? Ans: No 5. Which software you work on? Ans: CATIA V5, AUTOCAD, FEM etc Given a 221g letter for a surprise!!! No reason stated!! just asked me to fill it out and send out information!
Date Added:
{{'2017-01-16 06:48:54.0' | formatDate}} EDT
Last Updated:
{{'2017-01-16 06:49:26.0' | formatDate}} EDT
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