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Anonymous02's Profile
Latest Experience
L2 to L1 VISA

I am working on L2 VISA in the USA and got L1B approved as COS(Change of Status). I need to get my L1B visa stamped before L2 expires ...

L2 to L1 VISA

Hi Experts, Can someone please help me find the answer to the below questions? 1) what are the chances of getting COS approval from...

EAD for Vermont center

Hi, Has anyone received first time EAD card for which the received date was in December 2019. I have seen a couple of people getting ther...

Query regarding applying for L1 while on H4. Possible?

Experts here kindly suggest me for below query.  My company for which i used to work in India is offering me a job here in USA. Curren...

Latest Replies
Reply to: L2 to L1 VISA

thank you for the response :) Appreciate it! when you said in the 2nd point, I need to go to any of the USA consulates, you meant in m...

Reply to: L2 to L1 VISA

Thank you for the response, There are many sites which confirms about the COS from L2 to L1 but there is not complete information present, even ...

Reply to: L2 to L1 VISA

can someone please suggest!

Reply to: L2 Visa EAD

5-6 months in my case. applied dec 2019, got apr end-2020

Reply to:

Experts.. please reply if you know!

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