For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400ICT-GSS from US. Applied-05/20 Biometric-07/21 Biometric correspondence-07/27 Approval/Passport request- 08/07
Hello Everyone, Has any got the biometric instruction letter yet for ICT canada visa (GSS category) or any other visa category? A...
Yes, I did to Newyork.
Hello shivaramg, Did you get passport request for your spouse as well?
Did you recive biometric validity/correspondence letter and when?
Hello, Did you receive biometric correspondence letter?
Mine is filled under GSS and I am in IT. What is the type of your work? Are you working for company providing essential services?
Hi, any updates on your application?
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