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Dac's Profile
Latest Experience
Which forms?

I’m a citizen by naturalization. My son can to USA by a visitors visa. He will stay here with me. I became a citizen after he was born. Is he a ...

Minor Sign I 485

Should I let my 10 year old sign I 485 ? I was told to let him sign it .


I just got naturalized recently. I have a older child before i did this process in a different country . What forms do I need to bring him here...

N400 Interview

Do I bring my spouse to the n400 interview or just myself ?

Charleston SC Interview

April 2017. I 130. Texas Service Center June I485 and I 765 NBC August Biometrics August RFE for Affidavit November RFE For joint spo...


Hey y'all. USCIS say the sent me a REquest for additional evidence today. Does anyone has any ideas what this entails? What are the things t...

Latest Replies
Reply to: Which forms?

I was told to file I485 and I130.

Reply to: Potomac

Did you get another extension letter?

Reply to: Potomac

Hi. My biometric was Feb 2020 . My 18 month extension expires the end of September 2021. I’m waiting to get a call for info pass . Yes South C...

Reply to: Potomac

I-751 SC Jan 2020 Biometric February 2020 was last update

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Hi, A B2 visa can apply for adjustment of status but the petitioner has to be a citizen.

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I applied for my I 130 in April 2017 then I applied for I 485 in June 2017 . My I 130 was pending when I did so. I already received my green car...

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