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Depika's Profile
Latest Experience
L1B blanket Second attempt

Hi All, I am going for L1B blanket second attempt on June 8. Mine was rejected in April 11 2022. Any one went for second attempt recently? ...

L1B Blanket rejected

Hi, My L1B blanket rejected recently. I mentioned few general technologies like Java along with my special knowledge. If I avoid this and a...

Latest Replies
Reply to: L1B blanket Second attempt

Mine is Technical lead. It does not matter. But it should not be the same when you go for second attempt. There should be some changes in job du...

Reply to: L1B blanket Second attempt

Hi Sindhu, No. The VO approved, stamped and then he found out earlier rejection and crossed out the stamp with black pen. They can approve ...

Reply to: L1B Blanket rejected

Hi Ahmed, How was your interview?

Reply to: L1B Blanket rejected

Hi Ahmed, Is your interview over? Please share your experience. is it approved or rejected? Please respond. Mine is on June 1

Reply to: L1B Blanket rejected

Hi Ahmed, I am going on June 1 for visa. How was yours? I am hearing from many people that it will be rejected second time. Little worried....

Reply to: L1B Blanket rejected

Hi Ahmed, When is your date booked? I am planning to book within May 25 to 3 June.

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