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My green card success story

EB2-NIW ROW ​​​​​​​Hello guys, I just want to share my experience and success story with the EB2-NIW green card application: 02/06/2019 -...

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Reply to: My green card success story

Thanks. Yea, that was when I saw the notification about RFE response received. And it was the same day that they approved the case and ordered t...

Reply to: My green card success story

10 years

Reply to: My green card success story

NBC Lee Summit, MO

Reply to: Decision on i-485

Yea. I was in a similar situation. I received an RFE for medical in April too and sent them the required documents. Now, my case is approved and...


I got this letter after my case got approved. I received by green card in the mail the next day after I got the letter.

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