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Ford.f-150's Profile
Latest Experience
I-140 filled for the second time and trouble with I-485

A friend of mine is in a very difficult situation. On March 2018 he filed for I-140 under EB-2 NIW. Also filed for I-131, I-765 and I-485. ...

Pls help asap - I-140 denied and out of status

Hi everybody. A friend filled for EB-2 NIW I-140 concurrent filling with I-131, I-765 and I-485 last year October. He got the EAD on last ...

I-485 approved under I-140 EB-2 NIW

Hi people. I’m from southern CA. My I-140 was approved on Feb, 14th. under I-140 EB-2 NIW petition. Field office was Nebraska (MSC)...

Latest Replies
Reply to: I-140 filled for the second time and trouble with I-485

@waiting_alex, thank you so much for your reply. 1, 2 and 3) On May 10, 2018, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services &...

Reply to: I-485 approved under I-140 EB-2 NIW

Next day

Reply to: I-485 approved under I-140 EB-2 NIW

Yes, after I-140 approval, jumped straight to approved I-485 without interview but got an RFE requesting two passport style photos only. After s...

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