For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Any similar situation here ? Had my combo interview 6/15/23 officer was nice He ask Questions. Dint ask to see no document and pictures we br...
I had my combo interview June 15th 2023 the officer told us everything look good he’ll approve my 751 and give me paper for citizenship that sai...
When I received my 24 months extension receipt it had the POTOMAC service center adresse, today I received a letter saying they are reusing my o...
I751 I sent case 11/09/21 Received 24 months extension letter 11/20/21
I sent my I-751 to Arizona today 11/09/2021 Let the wait game start Tax return Bank statements Pictures of us and with friends and family...
Do me and my husband need to send 2 photos passport with the application? Form I751 to remove condition
Thank you I appreciate it
Thank you I’ll wait patiently
I had sent my package to Arizona
One combines check for 680$
I received a text message Monday 15th saying case received, receipt sent
Lol OH GOD 🤣 That’s a long wait I’m qualified to apply for citizenship November 2022
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