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Henras1207's Profile
Latest Experience
Oath Ceremony Delay

Is anyone experiencing delay in their oath ceremony? I had my interview over 105 days ago and haven’t received any updates since then (the ...

No Updates After Interview in Newark

Had my combo interview on Dec 6 (passed the exam) in Newark and the officer said “all look good, but can’t make a decision now because...

SSN after EAD

Guys, I know many of you applied for the SSN together with the EAD. Can you please let me know how long it took for the SSN to arrive by mail af...

SSN after EAD

How long did it take for you guys to get the SSN after you received the EAD by mail? Is there anyway to check if USCIS has applied for your...

NBC RD Nov/Dec/Jan

NBC - EAD I've been seeing A LOT of people with RDs in January-end or beginning of February getting approved status for their EADs in t...

NBC RD Nov/Dec/Jan

I've been seeing many people with RDs in January-end or beginning of February getting "card in production" notification this week....

Latest Replies
Reply to: Oath Ceremony Delay

Please let me know how this goes. How much is your lawyer charging for the lawsuit? Apparently I'll need to go thourgh that same route

Reply to: Oath Ceremony Delay

Nothing yet, i have raised multiple service requests, but no real updates so far

Reply to: Oath Ceremony Delay

Not yet. Over 120 days since the interview and no updates yet.

Reply to: Oath Ceremony Delay

I received the N-652 saying that the case couldn’t be decided yet, but the officer told me everything looked fine and I should hear back VERY sh...

Reply to: No Updates After Interview in Newark

Any updates?

Reply to: No Updates After Interview in Newark

Nothing, over 2 months and counting. You?

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