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Jibadey10's Profile
Latest Experience
M1 visa

Good day Sir/ma Please I intend to apply for M1 Visa, I need your help and advice on what I need to do and what documents I would need to put...

Non immigrant

Good day Sir/ma Please While filling the application form (160) for non immigrant visa, pls can i use my brother's bank accoun...

Non immigrant

Good day Sir/ma Please While filling the application form (160) for non immigrant visa, pls can i use my brother's bank accoun...

Non immigrant

Good day Sir/ma Please While filling the application form 160 for non immigrant visa, pls can i use my brother's bank account informatio...

Apply for immigrant

Good day Sir/ma, Please I wanted to start processing non immigrant visa and I consulted an agent, the man introduced non appearances visa proc...

Wanna apply for immigrant visa.

Good day sir/ma Please I need your help/advice, I wish to apply for the immigrant visa this year, and i want someone to help or put me throug...

Latest Replies
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Please, does the consulate asked for Offer of Admission letter from you?

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Alright, thank you so much God bless you abundantly...

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Thanks so much for your reply, i refer to as a sponsor, maybe I can identify him as my sponsore and get all the papers require from his bank.

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I want to first of all thank you for your response, but here am talking about sponsor's identification, maybe I can use my brother's b...

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@kyoobea Thanks so much for your response, may you be blessed abundantly.

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Then, while filling the application form 160 for non immigrant, pls can I use my brother's bank account information for my ties because o...

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