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Jithender-'s Profile
Latest Experience
Reply to Sathish

Hi Sathish, As Yuppee said, it's better to get it done before ur travel. In Hyd, u have a VFS center in Banajara Hills... U can direclt...

Ans for Bujji's Query

Hi Bujji, There is no time limit like u asked, but u can enter any time before ur Visa gets expired. For your info: One more thing i...

Help required ... print mistake in the visa stamp

hi frnds,     My H1B stamping is done on 22nd March (as i mailed u earlier) , and I received my stamped passport on 28t...

successful stamping

Hi all, I got my H1b stamping on 22nd March, n my wife got H4 stamping. Thanks to all the people who posted their exp's. I'll brief ...

letter for the dependent

hi, can any one give me the format of the letter to be taken from the employer for the dependent's visa interview? or what are all the doc's t...

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