For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Hello everyone My visa was on hold under 221g. Now it is showing Issued and in final processing. Is that mean my VISA got approved ?
Hello everyone F1 visa Going to USA for phd in materials science and engineering. Interview at: Chennai consultant Interview date: 6th ...
Hello everyone i had VISA interview on 6th November 2019 at Chennai US consultant. interview was fine. I was asked normal questions like ...
2days....i had signed for premium delivery. It has been issued for 4 yr. You got ?
It took 55 days.
Now It is showing Issued. And your visa is in final processing. Is that mean my VISA got approved ?
No. You got ?
Resume, previous projects abstract, previous international travel details etc. It's been 50 days already. Case last update got changed first...
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