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usually I-130 and I-765 gets approved together, but you should receive notice, you can uscis and ask for an update, also it may take upto 90 day...
I filed in Feb-2019 and i just receive REF on Oct-2020 on Good Faith Marriage and Joint residence.
You should have received it by now. You can request outside normal processing request. I filed VAWA on feb 2019 and received combo card in ...
I applied for vawa in feb 2019. Filed i485, i131, i360 and i765. My EAD amd AP got apprpved in august 2019. VAWA is still on, only t...
I filles in feb 2019 and got my ead in august. Wait few more months and you should see an update. Mybfriend files in march and hw got his ead ...
I applied under VAWA ( after 2 years of marriage )
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