For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Hi guys, so I filed my I-175 and got my receipt notice In the mail. I have informed delivery so I can see what is coming to my mailbox. The othe...
Hi guys, so I filed my 1-751, got my receipt in the mail. I have informed delivery so I can see what’s coming to my mailbox. On Saturday I saw a...
Thank you Chuddy, do you know how’s the best way to get someone on the phone? The automated lady keeps hanging up on me. Any recommendation is w...
Same. Had mines this morning too and guy was very mean as well. Case just changed to interview completed, must be reviewed. we probably had the ...
Message and email
I got an update at 445am on a Saturday. Then another at 11pm on a Friday night.
Do u know if it is ok to Try and expedite before the 90 days timeline have passed? Or is that something that they are really strict on ? ...
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