For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Sharing my experience once again as i may not come back to update but I will be answering questions asked. This site has been extremely helpful...
Hello all, My N400 was updated today November 29 to “interview was scheduled” Can someone please tell me how long it takes to receive the int...
Hello guys; Does anyone know how long it takes to receive the interview notice in the mail after an interview is scheduled? My husband and I ar...
Hello guys. I’m new here so this is my first post. I filed N400 on May 16 on a pending 751… (received date Feb 01 2021 EAC) I filed ...
Received date Feb 02 2021 Finger print reused Mar 23 2021 April 30 2022 case transferred to another office. Obviously we are getting intervie...
Received date Feb 1 2021 Finger print reused Mar 23 2021 18 & 24 months extension received. I can’t believe it’s taking this long. Any EA...
Thanks for telling me that. You just saved me a trip. I was going to go with a copy. Will wait till I get the original back.
Oh okay. The SS workers were not at my field office yesterday neither were the vote registration people. I paid for expedited and was told that ...
Congratulations🎉 I also had my oath swearing yesterday and also applied for passport yesterday. Did you go to the social security office to up...
We are becoming Americans same day. I’m also applying for my passport same day immediately after the oath swearing. We are finally done with t...
Feb 1 2023 - Oath ceremony notice was mailed. Checked my account and it’s for February 16th…
@mimi Mt Laurel, NJ
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