For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400I scheduled a US B1/B2 visa interview at such a bad time in Chennai. The purpose was for my dad (who already has a US visa) and I to v...
Hi everyone, I had a query to ask all of you If I mention on my application form that my sister (US citizen) filed a green card a...
There's no rule that you can't apply from any other country outside your country of residence. But you should have a solid reason to app...
If you feel your parents won't go there for a conference to the US, then go for B2 otherwise B1/B2 is equally good enough. The Consular Offi...
Hi Archana, I was in my final year when I applied for my B1/B2 visa at that time. To be honest if one is almost at the end of a course and ...
In the application form, there's a question asking whether anybody has filed a petition on your behalf with the U.S Customs and Immigration ...
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