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Safae's Profile
Latest Experience
De-scheduled interview

Hello everybody, my interview was de-scheduled due to covid-19. Never been rescheduled again. I contacted USCIS many times, they always confir...

USCIS news

At least some good news, USCID CANCELED FURLOUGH

N-400 de-scheduled interview!!

Good morning everyone, reading the messages in this forum, I noticed that USCIS started scheduling and conducting the new interviews. Does th...

Any update from Chicago office?

Hello friends, hello Palachinka, hello Frankyatng, Any hope from Chicago office?

N-400 rescheduled interviews in Chicago office

Hello everyone, I went to Chicago office this morning to get extension on my passport. I arrived there an hour before my appointment. I spok...

N-400 de-scheduled interview

Any update from Chicago office?

Latest Replies
Reply to: De-scheduled interview

Sorry for the late reply. Uscis sent me a message stating that my interview was canceled due to covid-19

Reply to: De-scheduled interview

My interview was scheduled for April 6th, Chicago office. De-scheduled March. I did not receive new notice since then.

Reply to: N-400 / 3 years marriage interview / NYC

Hello, better to print them in Meijer or Walmart or Walgreens, it is not expensive at all

Reply to: N 400 Boston Timeline

Congratulations. But I guess you still have the option to register and vote in person till Nov 3rd. Good luck

Reply to: N400 interview question

Congratulations Palachinka, I'm so happy for you. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Can you please explain what documents ...

Reply to: Long Island N400

It didn't show up she is rescheduled for her interview in her online account? Not even under the document tab?

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