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Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Newark NJ fillers any update? I applied in NOV 2022 for citizenship based on 3 years rule, i have pending i751. It has been 6 full months the l...
Any Newark NJ fillers? I applied in NOV -2022 still no interview notice 5 months now, the webpage shows 10 months but i know some people who ap...
I field to remove conditions from my GC in NOV 2021. I am from NJ Newark my service center is Vermont, it has been almost 16 month no news at a...
Hello everyone hope you all have a blessed day! Next moth I will be applying for citizenship (based on 3 years rule married to a USC...
I am getting a little impatient i know it hasn't been a year yet but it gets frustrating I am sure u know what I am talking about! I ap...
Hello deal all, I am from Newark NJ in November 2021, I have applied to remove condition from my 2 year GC, my case number starts with EAC...
If you don't mind me asking could you plz tell me, what month did u apply for n400 and at what months u had interview ? Hopefully you ...
Hi, no still no update... some people surprisingly get citizenship in 3 month or so, happy for them just waiting for my turn!
Congrats your journey almost came to an end! Did u apply online or by mail? Also did u submit proof of relationship with ur N-400 ?
yeah i got extension letter for 2 yearsthe rest is a game of waiting i guess
it actually was a bit of surprise to me that he got it really fast, i didn't believe until i saw his gc with my eyes! He is gay so no kids h...
Thank you, for sharing your experience looks like i am not alone :)
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