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belfrancescovr's Profile
Latest Experience
Travelled with AP from Italy

Hi, here my experience. I wanted to go back Italy (Banned country by US) for Xmas with my wife and son because was over a year without...

Advance Parole from Schengen area

Hi I share my experience. I have an Advance Parole approved for all family. This summer we went to Bermuda (because of the travel ban in Eu...

Latest Replies
Reply to: Is it safe to travel on Ap ?

Depend which country you intend to visit. If it's one country included in the Proclamation and banned by US better you have something in wri...

Reply to: Travelled with AP from Italy

Correct, we have only the AP. Our VISA are expired.

Reply to: Traveled with Vawa

Hi, can you please so kind to tell me from which country you traveled back to the US with your AP?

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