For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Please i need the phone number that i can call live agent NOT answering machine. Thank you
Please does anyone have aos interview in indianapolis? please share your experience
Dear friends, Please furnish me with details of how to make infopaqs including phone number to call, right time to call and who to speak t...
Hello all, while on advance parole visit to my home country; can I take my children who are in my country to embassy and apply for usa visa for...
Hello all, Please after greencard interview if approval is not given on the spot, when is it likely to get approval or what could be their...
Have read a lot about people meeting friendly interview officer. The lady I met today wasnt friendly at all. She was so rude, she wont allow you...
They are 15+ & 13+ yrs, just think if I get it for them by the time they are 16 & 14 ,they can travel alone, probably in December.
No no o, am not praying for such long time, I need to go see my children. Join me in prayers to get it in good time. I see you receivi...
No.rfe, but letter that she will still review my case.
Be fully prepared. Hubby snd I spent about 2hours, approximately one hour each. The IO(interviewer) wasnt nice at all.
Hi man, please how many daus does it take to receive interview schedule notice? I che ked tracker today it says status changed on 17th but as at...
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