For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400My Interview was canceled due to COVID in April. I have prepared all my medical documents. Early July my medical is going to expire(usual...
Any body have interview coming up in April ? and thinking about what to do next ?
Any folks know how much it takes for do medical examination. I was surprised about the price. 400$ in Burnsville. Please share your exp...
In Nov 22 2019, i got notification . My Case was transferred . We will assign your case to an officer. We will review your case and mail you...
My Case Was Transferred And A New Office Has Jurisdiction. How long it will take to get interview date? Case Transferred Date...
good news, Which date it says "card was mailed to me" ?
i waited for 5 months
Minneapolis filer here ! PD - 05-22-2019 BIO- 06-15-2019 EAD - 09-15-2019 Waiting for interview to be scheduled.
Can you share your timeline much much appreciated
That means your case will be transferred for background check and send to local office for interview schedule. Mine also in same boat.
i am in the same boat. filed in April and received EAD and AP in Sept. My case was transferred into local office in End of Nov. Waiting for ...
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