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fernandogv's Profile
Latest Experience
N-400 Experience

I want to share my experience since I filed for my N-400 (and I-750 in process too). My office was in Los Angeles and my process took...

I-751 Interview Process

This was my experience. I filed in Texas and then, my case was transferred to Vermont and my interview was in Los Angeles: November 25, 202...

Oath Ceremony will be Scheduled

Do you know how long takes a change on the status after your received the “Oath Ceremony will be Scheduled” status?

Combo Interview - N400 & I-751

Anyone with the same experience? I have my combo interview in 3 weeks. Do you know if these cases are approved during the interview or if afte...

N-400 - Los Ángeles

Anyone with similar experience? I filed for my N-400 on Sep , 2022. 1.5 months later, I received a notification that my interview was scheduled....

I-751 and N-400

Any experience where after you submitted your N-400, your I-751 was approved?

Latest Replies
Reply to: N-400 Experience

I never received any notification about "Taking an action" for my case. The process was really smooth. I have my Oath Ceremony in 1 ...

Reply to: I-751 Interview Process

Thank you! I had a combo interview (I-750 + N-400), the questions for the I-750 were really easy. The officer just asked us some ques...

Reply to: N-400 - St. Louis Field Office Oath Ceremony

My interview was completed on Nov 21st. Next day, the status changed to “Oath Ceremony Will Be Scheduled”. 2 weeks later, nothing has changed. M...

Reply to: interview for n400 and i751

I filed in Los Angeles, CA

Reply to: interview for n400 and i751

Congratulations! I had same experience. Combo Interview for I-751 and N-400 on Nov 21st. The IO approved both in 30 minutes. For the I-751 li...

Reply to: Oath Ceremony will be Scheduled

Do you have this status too? Oath ceremony will be scheduled..

Disclaimer: Please note that the experiences presented are submitted by visitors to our website. Individuals’ experiences may vary, and you should interpret each individual’s experience at your own risk. Do not make a decision solely based on an experience posted here. We do not endorse any individuals’ experiences, and we are not liable or responsible for consequences stemming from your use of the information presented within any individual’s experience.