For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.
Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Hey, guys what do you think will USCIS will close all its field office because of coronavirus fear? will they stop taking an interview and accep...
Hey guys what do you think when this EB3 retrogression will over or when the dates will move forward to PD of 2018 or 2019. Any idea?
after 70 days my interview scheduled at Hartford CT. I am july filer with a priority date of March.
Hey is there any employment-based case whose field office is Hartford CT?
Any Hartford filer with Feb/March priority date got an interview? I want to get some idea on when I should expect my interview?
Hey folks, iam waiting from past 50 days to schedule an interview at hartford CT but no updates so far. I wanted to know on which pd date office...
march 2019.
It's so frustrating that EB3 retrogressed this early. but I think they moved the dates back so far to stop the new filers to file for GC. a...
mine is employment-based. employment-based green card has to go through a long process that why my priority date is march. I think the Hartford ...
at Hartford field office or any other field office?
I know how frustrating it is, I filed in july and case is ready to schedule from past 66 days and no sign of interview coming. Even my friend at...
Where is you field office. I'm eb3 row as well and I'm waiting from past 66 days for interview to be scheduled. My field office is hart...
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