For visitors, travel, student and other international travel medical insurance.

Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400
insubuy's Profile
Latest Experience
Money2India - ICICI Bank - Terrible service

Terrible company. I have standing instructions with Money2India to send Rs. 25,000 every month, on 25th. For Dec 25, 2017, the recipient h...

my dads insurance while travelling from india to usa

Customer review ---------------------------- After comparing Insubuy with a few others we are satisfied with having bought my dads insurance...

Great experience with Insubuy agent Theresa

Email from a customer -------------------------------------- Hello Management: Just a quick note to say that, I had a great experience ...

Insubuy Reviews: Appreciation for Theresa A

Email from a customer ------------------------------------ I would like to take the moment to appreciate the help she provided regarding my ins...

My experience with your office

Email from a customer ------------------------------------ Gentlemen, I just hung up with a "Lady -name Theresa" in your office. I'm a "Senio...

A note in appreciation for the excellent customer service by Lyle

Email from customer ---------------------------------- Hi, I called customer service today to seek advice for the best visitor's insu...

Latest Replies
Reply to: Worst experience as they dont cover Covid 19 testing mandated for international travel

I apologize for any misunderstanding you might regarding COVID-19 coverage. However, none of the travel insurance plans cover travel relat...

Reply to: Bad experience with both Insubuy and HCC TokioMarine/Atlas

Immediately after you posted a review, we called and followed up with you to find out what the problem is. You indicated that the insurance com...

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Disclaimer: Please note that the experiences presented are submitted by visitors to our website. Individuals’ experiences may vary, and you should interpret each individual’s experience at your own risk. Do not make a decision solely based on an experience posted here. We do not endorse any individuals’ experiences, and we are not liable or responsible for consequences stemming from your use of the information presented within any individual’s experience.