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jcshekar's Profile
Latest Experience
Passport Renewal New York Consulate

My experience with Passport renewal with Indian Consulate @ New York Just for the timelines estimate I'm from NJ. Total time from ...

Visiting Visa for Canada

I would like to mention my Canada travel visa experience with dates: 12/09/19: Submitted online application. 12/10/19: Got email about bi...

Visa Stamping at Ottawa

Interview date - 01/02 7:30 AM - Ottawa- H1B I reached the consulate around 7 and parked my car at near by municipal parking garage located...

Latest Replies
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This happened to one of my friend but not in Ottawa. Here the positive thing is they kept your passport, most of the scenarios these kind of iss...

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If you have travel plans next month to India, it's better you get it renewed there it self, which would take hardly 2-3 business days. Try t...

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In general they are not supposed to and I've seen many times they don't accept single extra documents unless you give any proper reasoni...

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You can't depend on the answers about the duration, I see that it varies by weeks from consulate to consulate, otherwise in ideal scenario, ...

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Take out first couple of words... "I would"

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I would If I were you, would handover the 4 month old client letter and if asked for latest would say "I was supposed to travel during Than...

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