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Visit or call +1 (866) INSUBUY or +1 (972) 985-4400Attending a Visa interview with wife and Kids. Would it increase the chances of a VO to be convinced and approve it. My thought would be margina...
Attending a Visa interview along with wife and Kids. Would it increase the chances of a VO to be convinced and approve it. My thought would be m...
Attending a Visa interview along with wife and Kids. Would it increase the chances of a VO to be convinced and approve it. My thought would be m...
I am a QA lead with almost 12 years of experience. My company is planning to process L1B now. But my highest education qualification is BSc ...
Know that L1B Visa approval for QAs is going to be so hard now even though you good years of experience and talent. How about the chances of H...
Good Info dude. Anyways wishing you better luck for H1B proposal.
Didn't you have questions about what you are gonna do. Whats your specialization.
Sorry to bother you again. Can I wait and try out for L1A . Will that be more fruitful than L1B for my years of experience and Bsc degree.
Thanks a lot for your answer. So you mean if the Salary and and the reputation of the company is good then the chances are higher. And also I ha...
Thanks a lot buddy
Also Im a QA manager. Will L1A be a problem for QA or what matters is the experience, Salary and specializations.
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